Years ago, I wanted the good life too, but I had to learn some hard truths first:
You wake up feeling sluggish and you drag through the day lacking energy to invest in the things that bring you true happiness - your hobbies, your community, and of course your family. Your mental health is affected when you’re not operating at your best, your mood can sour, your anxiety can rise, and you know stress just hits harder. You feel it in your bones and know that it can and must get better.
When you look to your primary care physicians you find they are beholden to large health care systems that care more about profits than your wellbeing. The people who are supposed to help you have hidden motives and are probably fat, sick, and ignorant themselves, forcing you to sacrifice your best years today and tomorrow.
Obesity rates are on a straight line to the moon. One third of Americans have metabolic syndrome which increases your chances of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Life expectancy in America is going down year after year. By 2030 it’s projected 50% of Americans will be prediabetic or diabetic. It’s getting that bad.
Our trusted professionals told us to eat 12 servings of bread a day. Our doctors hand out drugs instead of urging you to change your behaviors. They ignore smart and wise choices while suggesting false and harmful ones. Those health gangsters, an evil empire of medical and economic tyranny, are stronger than ever today. And those hands around your neck are only going to get tighter if you don't do something about it.
When you see your doctor and he doesn’t even ask you about your sleep, exercise, or diet before he prescribes you a pill to take forever - that's a red flag.
When you look at your primary care physician and think, “I don’t want to look like THAT guy” - you lose a little faith.
When you do your own research and learn about the lies you’ve been told - you wonder why you should ever trust anyone with a M.D. after their name ever again.
But ask yourself, why did you feel the need to go home and do your own research?
I’ve known for a long time that my standards for my own health and fitness went way beyond what my doctor could provide. I’ve spent more than a decade learning things on my own, scouring forums and websites, doing trial and error on myself. I’ve been doing a little science project for quite some time. And after years of self advocacy and determination I came to the sad conclusion:
Over time, I learned that doctors look down on hormone supplementation. I saw that typical nutrition guidance would make me fat and pre-diabetic. I observed how none of my doctors encouraged me to lift weights when we know that it can prevent all kinds of disease including cognitive decline.
I couldn’t help but feel like the medical establishment wanted me weak, crumbling, and plummeting to an early death.
Eat 12 servings of grains and avoid red meat. Don’t lift weights or you’ll get hurt. Testosterone will give you ROID RAGE. It’s all nonsense. All of it.
Once I figured that out, I had to make a change - and now you do too.
You’ll be the lame parent on the sidelines instead of a hero to your own child.
I went to the trampoline park with my family the other day. There were countless apathetic Dads sitting on the sidelines while their kids looked at them and begged, “play with me, Dad!”
And me? I was out there jumping around, going crazy with the kids, playing dodgeball with an ever growing group of young kids circling around me. I could hear it in their voices and see it in their faces just how excited they were that someone, anyone, was playing with them. All while their own Dads had their faces buried in a cell phone not paying attention to the most important people in their life.
Which Dad (or Mom) do you want to be?
We’ve been told all our lives to save for retirement and plan for our glory years. But will your savings be enough when faced with crippling health problems which land you in the hospital instead of on the golf course?
Deferred health maintenance is a hidden liability most people aren’t thinking about.
The cost of doing nothing today is IMMENSE.
Take no action and you’ll become a burden on your kids just when they’re raising a family of their own.
You must be an asset to the people you love, not a liability.
A lawyer friend of mine dropped dead at age 45. He had a sudden heart attack despite being a runner for many years. He left his wife without a husband and his kids without a father. Turns out he was sick underneath the appearance of being healthy and didn't know he had a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Early detection could have saved his life and given his kids more time with their Dad.
You could be metabolically unhealthy even if you appear fit on the outside. Your lipids could be out of control, your fasting insulin too high, and you could even be “pre diabetic” without knowing it. Or maybe your thyroid isn’t working right or you have non alcoholic fatty liver disease. So many treatable and preventable ailments sneak up on people that failing to screen for preventable issues is irresponsible.
Don’t wake up one day in the back of an ambulance just because your doctor was too lazy to keep up on the latest science.
His failure could be your death sentence.
Why is your life in their hands not your own?
It’s time to find a doctor who knows what time it is. It’s time to find a doctor who understands how messed up the current system is and who wants to do something about it. It’s time to find a team of professionals who are dedicated to helping you become happier, healthier, and even wealthier by working together with you.
It's time for a doctor who gets IT and gets YOU.
What if you had a team of professionals working in tandem to bring you health and wellness care that only movie stars, athletes, and CEO’s could afford before?
What would you do with all that increased energy? All that vitality? All those extra years of quality living? Maybe you’d spend more time with your kids or throw your grandkids in the air. Maybe you’d climb that mountain. Start that business. Finish that race. Find the spouse of your dreams.
All of that is possible with the proper health foundation.
But knowing you want to make a change isn’t enough.
You need the right team and that team seems really hard to find.
It may be bleak out there but it's not hopeless.
Enter the Rebel Health Alliance.
Optimization means embracing the possibility of living a limitless life through the eradication or control of chronic disease and the maximization of health span.
Optimization is achieved through a holistic and personalized approach to care that addresses root causes and promotes longevity and vitality.
Real life optimization means losing stubborn weight, aligning hormones, managing cholesterol, blood sugars, and blood pressure. It means improving eating patterns, workout regimens, sleep habits, and many other areas of life.
Optimization means your best years are still ahead, no matter what age you are now.
Optimization is the process of mastering your life so you can live it with fulfillment, joy, and purpose.
With the guidance and support of our team you can achieve your optimal self and redefine what it means to live a vibrant and fulfilling life.
Optimize what you eat. Optimize how you move. Optimize how you receive medical care.
But how?
The Rebel Health Alliance is a national telehealth platform which offers you a team of healthcare professionals, led by world class physicians who utilize the latest diagnostic technology to create a holistic comprehensive health care plan for life.
We want you fit, strong, optimized, and metabolically healthy.
Our goal is to make you feel great and to add quality years to your life.
Each client of the Rebel Health Alliance is assigned to a team with the following members:
Your patient journey begins with:
After the initial blood tests, diagnostics, and assessments, the team gets together to review your case. The outcome of that meeting is what makes us unique.
At your care planning meeting, the entire team collaborates to create a health and wellness plan specifically for you.
Your care plan is:
Your care plan contains:
But we don’t stop there. RHA provides you with ongoing support and coaching to ensure compliance, motivation, and success. You’ll receive:
Sounds too good to be true?
In the old days maybe, but through technology we’re able to deliver these services to you today that only movie stars, professional athletes, and CEOs could afford previously. Now we’re bringing the best cutting edge treatments to regular people just like you and me.
What do we treat:
What happens when you join:
You’ll receive an email from your Nurse Coordinator with instructions on how to begin your assessment. You’ll meet with her to conduct your intake and prepare for your blood work and other diagnostics. You’ll meet with your Doctor, your strength coach, and your nutritionist. Our entire team will meet to create your custom care plan. And then we will be there by your side month after month as you make consistent progress towards your goals.
If you’re ok with being fat, sick, or dying too early. This is not the place for you.
If you want a quick fix or think a pill is the only answer to your problems, we are not your people.
If you think you’re going to make change without doing the work. Please keep moving.
If you think the food pyramid is the way. There’s the door.
I know this will scare some people away. The truth is there are no easy fixes, otherwise you’d have already done it. Hard work, dedication, education, and support are required to fight the obesogenic environment we live in. If you do nothing, you’ll lose.
We want fighters. We want people who appreciate expertise and experience.
Whether you’re just getting off the couch (it's ok, we’ve all been there), a busy professional without the time to figure all this out on your own, or an advanced athlete looking for an edge - we’ve got you covered.
If you bring the energy, we will provide the plan. And together we will all succeed.
If you enroll with Rebel Health Alliance and follow our plan, you will:
All of this is possible when you’re feeling your best.
And that’s what we offer you.
The care plan and team are means to an end, and the end is you being the best self you can be.
RHA is not a pill mill. We will not give you drugs on day one just because you filled out a questionnaire. Are we aggressive in finding treatments that work for you? Of course. But we don’t exist to serve big pharma.
RHA is not your standard health care operation. We are not beholden to insurance companies. We do not compromise care just because “it isn’t covered.” We take direction from no one other than our professionals, the latest science and research, and our experience. We are on the cutting edge of treatments across a range of services, unlike your primary care doc who is probably stuck in the 80’s, unhealthy himself, and deeply unhappy with the circumstances.
We are not a health care factory. We are not cookie cutter. We are not an app. You do not get a standard plan and then get left alone to figure it out. We are real professionals who dedicate personal time to you and your plan and we create custom programs for everyone based on their individual needs. You are not a widget to us. You are not a number. You are our friend, our colleague, and our partner.
Comprehensive Primary & Specialty Care. We are your partner in health, offering both primary care and specialized optimization services. Whether you need support for routine health concerns, hormone optimization, metabolic health, longevity, weight management, athletic performance, or overall wellness, we’re here to help. While many conditions can be managed through virtual care, some situations—such as injuries or infections—may require in-person evaluation. In those cases, we’ll guide you toward the appropriate care and specialists in your area.
Our goal is to provide holistic, proactive healthcare that goes beyond symptom management. We’re here to answer the questions traditional healthcare often overlooks and to empower you with a personalized plan to achieve lasting health and vitality.
We do not think we have all the answers. Ever do some research on your own and bring it to your doctor only for him to roll his eyes? Most providers think they’re the end all be all when it comes to health care. They’re not interested in patients who advocate for themselves. At RHA we encourage a collaborative approach to health care. We want you to speak up! We want to know your ideas and what you’re thinking. We want people who take responsibility for their health and actively engage in shaping their future.
I know we’ve covered a lot here, but in case you’ve got more questions here’s a set of FAQs:
Rebel Health Alliance is our answer to the health care system that doesn’t give a crap about you. RHA is our answer to the obesogenic environment we live in. RHA is our way of doing what we can to help fight the structural issues we all face.
Rebel Health Alliance is here to bring you the cutting edge in diagnostics, treatments, and holistic care to help you feel, look, and perform your best.
Together we’ll build you into an asset instead of a liability. Look good, feel great, and live like a King (or Queen).
We are admitting a small number of clients each month because our team invests time and energy into all of you. We offer truly customized and personal health care and that takes time. We are not an app, we are not selling you a PDF.
We treat each RHA client the same way we treat our own family members, with care, love, and time.
So don’t hesitate or you’ll miss your chance at a healthier happier life.
Join now! Space is limited!